7 Fun Ways To Become More Active - Every Day

You know you should be getting some sort of exercise, you know of all the health benefits that come with a more active lifestyle. You’ve tried the whole Gym thing, but it just wasn’t for you - I tried that and it didn't work for me either. The temptation to just sit in front of the TV, to curl up with a good book, or to spend a little extra time at your computer is just too big. Who wants to head to the gym right now anyway? There are many other options to get more active that don’t include jogging, weight lifting or other “traditional” ways to work out. Here are some few ideas that I worked for me and hopefully it works for you as well. 1) Turn up the Music and Dance around the Living Room First thing I do is, I make sure I lock my bedroom door! Next, while you’re dusting, putting up dishes, or after you’ve been sitting around for too long, just play some of your favorite upbeat music and dance around in your bedroom. Or better yet, around your house, I like to imagine...