What I Did to Tone Down My Thighs

First thing first, you got to do the Slim Thigh Test. Before you start whining about having a big thigh or whatever, you need to establish whether or not you have big thigh muscles or a lot of thigh fat . Understand the difference girls, To do the Slim Thigh Test you have to Straighten your leg, you can do so by sitting on a flat surface, I suggest on the floor. Tighten your thigh muscles, squeeze really tight but not at the point where you end up having crumps afterwards. Pinch the top layer of fat and skin of the thigh, you will see this the minute you squeeze your squeeze and stretch your leg at the same time. If there is much to pinch , then fat is making your thighs big and you’ll also probably suffer with cellulite. If there is little to pinch , you have large thigh muscles and little fat and will have little cellulite, if any. HOW TO SLIM THIGHS 1. E x...